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CHRISTY BOWE HAS PHOTOGRAPHED FIVE U.S. PRESIDENTS, two historic presidential impeachments, the chaos of Jan 6th at the U.S. Capitol and eight Supreme Court Justice Confirmation Hearings.  She has completed her second book, “History in the Making,” where she gives an insider’s look into the human side of the men in the Oval Office.

Before she jumped out of an airplane at 15,000 feet and earned her first-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do, Christy, a third-generation Washingtonian, was thrown out of Catholic school in the ninth grade for refusing to conform. She briefly attended Montgomery College of Rockville, Maryland, and the University of Missouri Photo Workshop in Carthage, Missouri. Most of her education has been “on the job.”

In pursuit of her passion for photography, Christy earned her way into the small, elite circle of White House press photographers. With support from celebrated White House reporters, the late Sarah McClendon and Helen Thomas, Christy founded ImageCatcher News Service. She is currently represented by Getty Images, and ZUMA Press. Her work has been published around the world.

Her corporate clients have included: Harley Davidson, the National Science Foundation, the National Press Club, the National Organization for Women, Lucas Films and Hitachi Corporation.

Christy is currently a member of the White House Press Corps, House and Senate Press Photographers’ Gallery, White House Correspondents’ Association and White House News Photographers’ Association. She has lectured at American University, Montgomery College of Rockville, MD and George Mason University, among others. She has ten images preserved in the George W. Bush Presidential Library and won first place in the 2021 Paris Photo Prize — the State of the World competition for her pictures of the January 6th Insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. Christy resides in Bethesda, Maryland, and continues to work as a photojournalist, currently covering President, Donald J. Trump.

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